03 / Pleasure to Meet You


leds, aluminum, glass

2m x 4m 

When you go back in time, the past becomes your future. When you go forward in time, the future becomes the past. 

Heterotopias are spaces that disrupt the continuity and normality of common everyday places, places removed from the evenly spaced movement of time. They may juxtapose past with present, future with present, or overlap meaning and relationships in a way that challenges or subverts our impression and experience of the prevailing social context. The moment when a mirror reflects our image it acts as such a space. 

A virtual space exists between utopia and heterotopia where one is able to exist in simultaneity. The artists ask the viewer, ‘if they have met themselves yet?’ The mirror becomes a portal creating an otherworldliness from which to consider our present self. 


Pleasure to Meet You is currently exhibited at The Zeitz Mocaa, Cape Town. It is a part of a group show title Still Here Today to High Five You Yesterday curated by Azu Nwagbogu and Precious Mhone. 
